Auricular Acupuncture is widely used throughout the United Kingdom to treat people with a variety of conditions. It is most commonly known for the treatment of smoking cessation,
weight loss and drug misuse, and has been growing steadily since the 1970’s. It is now considered to be the standard acupuncture treatment for drug and alcohol addiction; however it
forms the basis of a number of protocols used in the treatment of Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and Pain Management.
At the first appointment a consultation is carried out and a detailed case history is taken. A treatment plan is then decided based upon your personal needs.
There are over 200 points on the ear and from these your individual points are chosen. One point in particular would almost always be included in the case of addiction therapy.
The Chinese name ‘Shenmen’ translates into English as ‘Spirit Gate’. This point is very versatile as it calms the spirit. It is used to treat anxiety, sleep disorders (including insomnia and dream-disturbed sleep) and It can also be used to reduce inflammation and pain levels. It is commonly used to calm the mind and stop cravings in the case of addiction treatments.
During the treatment itself, very fine, sterile needles are placed in the pinnea of each ear after which the clients rest quietly for 30 minutes. This is a good time to relax, meditate or think about changes to be made in your life.
Once the needles are in place, your ears may tingle or feel warm. Some people even fall asleep. These are normal responses. Some people say they feel very relaxed when they are having a treatment, others don't feel much at all but be assured that you will be getting benefits from the treatment.
‘Ear Seeds’ are applied to the ear after treatment. These tiny arcacia seeds stick onto the skin surface with a micro plaster. They stay on the ear for some time after the treatment has
finished and allow the person wearing them to press them with their finger to re activate the point. The Ear Seed keeps stimulating the point long after the treatment is over, continuing
the therapeutic process.
The whole process takes one hour for the first treatment and 45 minutes for subsequent treatments.
Acupuncture is most effective after a series of treatments over a period of time. Since each person is unique, the number of treatments needed might vary. Treatment twice a week for 5 weeks is the recommended standard though this can be adapted based on the requirements of the client.
All needles used are sterile, single use disposables. For a confidential and professional consultation please contact Lesley on 01635 550056.
For more information or to arrange an appointment contact us on 07709 896140 or alternatively email Ask about our introductory offer at the time of booking.